M. K. Theodoratus, Fantasy Writer, blogs about the books she reads--mostly fantasy and mystery authors whose books catch her eye and keep her interest. Nothing so formal as a book review, just chats about what she liked. Theodoratus also mutters about her own writing progress or ... lack of it.


Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Announcing: Pat, the Pet

Can't leave well enough alone. Still, can't do Google+ with facility and I'm setting up another web presence. Grumpy Dragon Press is getting close to releasing Pat, the Pet.  Pat is the "star" of a color-a-comic, vowel-controlled pre-primer. How's that for a mouthful, but that pretty much defines what Pat, the Pet is. 

Pat is now up on Twitter as @PatthePet. It'd be nice if someone followed me. Springlea, the editor at Grumpy Dragon, says they have a marketing guru to help authors market. It might be worth it to compare the development of Pat, the Pet to Taking Vengeance, where I learned what little I know about social networking/marketing.

Yeah, I consider Pat, the Pet a fantasy.


JA Grier (ee/em/eir) said...

It sounds like a challenge, especially since these two projects don't hit quite the same audience, right? It's great that the publisher has a marketing person on hand who knows their stuff.
One Writer's Mind

Unknown said...

I sort of fell into Grumpy Dragon's hands, but I've noticed that my submission process has changed. I look at a company's marketing efforts before I submit queries now.

Unknown said...

I sort of fell into Grumpy Dragon's hands, but I've noticed that my submission process has changed. I look at a company's marketing efforts before I submit queries now.

Experimenting as to what the reply does. [Explanation if my comment shows up twice.]